These instructions are intended for the authors of scientific publications included in the Russian Index of Science Citation/Российский индекс научного цитирования (RINC/РИНЦ) database. They describe how to register as an author and how to use the SCIENCE INDEX information and analytical system which is an analytical addition to the RINC and offers a number of new services for authors, research organisations and scientific publishers. The instructions also describe in detail the algorithm of authors’ actions for correcting and updating the lists of their publications and citations in the RINC.
Upon registration, your own page is created in RINC/РИНЦ with your personal identifier in Russian Cyrillic where your articles published in the Military Technical Courier will be also visible and available for citation. The Russian Index of Science Citation is linked with WoS and SCOPUS so that your titles in these databases will be automatically visible on your RINC profile.
Since 18th February 2015, the Military Technical Courier has been indexed in the Russian Index of Science Citation/Российский индекс научного цитирования (RINC/РИНЦ).

Instructions are available HERE.  

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