The Military Technical Courier is indexed in SCOPUS (Elsevier B.V.).
The first printed issue of the Military Technical Courier appeared on 1st January 1953.
Since 1990, the journal has been regularly followed in the Repository of the National Library of Serbia, the Bibliometric Report and the Serbian Citation Index.
The first electronic edition of the Military Technical Courier on the Internet appeared on 1st January 2011.
Since 16th December 2011, the Military Technical Courier has been in an electronic licensing relationship with the EBSCO Publishing, the world's most prolific aggregator of full text journals, magazines and other sources. The full text of the journal can be found in the EBSCO Publishing databases.
As of 1st January 2012, the Military Technical Courier applies a new service for online editing – ASSISTANT, developed by CEON/CEES (Center for Evaluation in Education and Science).
Since 2012, the journal has been in the system of ASSISTANT for the allocation of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers. The global service Crossref supports DOI numbers data base, meta-data and links to full texts. DOI: 10.5937/VojnotehnickiGlasnik;
Since 23rd July 2014, the Military Technical Courier is indexed, referred to and available in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ awarded the Seal label to the Military Technical Courier on 20th July 2016. The DOAJ Seal is a mark of certification for open access journals, awarded by DOAJ that achieve an additionally high level of openness, adhere to Best Practice and high publishing standards.
Since 7th July 2014, the journal has been indexed and visible in the ROAD. ROAD, the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO.
Since 18th February 2015, the Military Technical Courier has been indexed in the Russian Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU) and the Russian Index of Science Citation/Российский индекс научного цитирования (RINC/РИНЦ).
As of 27 November 2015, the Military Technical Courier is a member of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association).
The editorial policy of the Military Technical Courier is based on the COPE Core Practices and the journal articles are consistent with accepted best practices in their subject areas. As of 2 May 2018, the Military Technical Courier is a member of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The open access publishing policy and the self-archiving policy of the Military Technical Courier have been verified in the SHERPA/Jisc database since 20 July 2016, as well as in the AURA database since 10 November 2020.
Editorial Board applies the iThenticate–CrossCheck service for verifying the originality of submitted papers and for preventing duplicate publishing and plagiarism.
Military Technical Courier, in terms of its content, offers the possibility of open access (DIAMOND OPEN ACCESS) and applies Creative Commons (CC BY) licence on copyright.