The instructions to authors about the article preparation for publication in the Military Technical Courier are based on the Regulations on categorization and ranking of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No 159/20). This Regulations aims at improving the quality of national journals and raising the level of their compliance with the international system of scientific information exchange. 

The Military Technical Courier, in terms of its content, offers the possibility of open access (DIAMOND OPEN ACCESS) and applies Creative Commons (CC BY) licence on copyright.

Manuscripts are submitted online, through the electronic editing system ASSISTANT, developed by the Center for Evaluation in Education and Science – CEON.
The access and the registration are through the Military Technical Courier site, on the page ASSISTANT or the page SCINDEKS or directly through the link (
The detailed instructions about the registration for the service are on the website, on the page Instructions for ASSISTANT.
The article for publication can also be submitted outside the system, directly to the e-mail of the editorial office:

All authors submitting a manuscript for publishing in the Military Technical Courier should register for an ORCID ID following the instructions on the web page Registration for an ORCID identifier.

The Military Technical Courier publishes articles in English, using Arial and a font size of 11pt with Single Spacing.

The procedures of article preparation, writing and editing should be in accordance with the Publication ethics and malpractice statement.

The article should contain an abstract with keywords, introduction (motivation for the work), body (adequate overview of the representative work in the field, a clear statement of the novelty in the presented research, suitable theoretical background, one or more examples to demonstrate and discuss the presented ideas), conclusion, and references (without heading and subheading enumeration). The article length should not normally exceed 16 pages of the A4 paper format with single spacing, up to a maximum of 24 pages with references and supplementary material included.
The article should be formatted following the instructions in the Article Form which can be downloaded from website page Article form.

The title should be informative. It is in both Journal’s and author’s best interest to use terms suitable for indexing and word search. If there are no such terms in the title, the author is strongly advised to add a subtitle. 

Letterhead title
The letterhead title is given at a top of each page for easier identification of article copies in an electronic form in particular. It contains the author’s surname and first name initial (for multiple authors add “et al”), article title, journal title and collation (year, volume, issue, first and last page). The journal and article titles can be given in a shortened form.

Author’s name
Full name(s) of author(s) should be used. It is advisable to give the middle initial. Names are given in their original form (with diacritic signs if in Serbian).

Author’s affiliation
The full official name and seat of the author’s affiliation is given, possibly with the name of the institution where the research was carried out. For organizations with complex structures, give the whole hierarchy (for example, Military Academy, Department for Military Electronic Systems, Belgrade). At least one organization in the hierarchy must be a legal entity. When some of multiple authors have the same affiliation, it must be clearly stated, by special signs or in other way, which department exactly they are affiliated with. The affiliation follows the author’s name. The function and title are not given.

Contact details
The postal address or the e-mail address of the author is given next to the name of the author.

Type of articles
Classification of articles is a duty of the editorial staff and is of special importance. Referees and the members of the editorial staff, or section editors, can propose a category, but the editor-in-chief has the sole responsibility for their classification.

The Military Technical Courier publishes scientific articles.

Scientific articles:
– Original scientific paper (giving the previously unpublished results of the author’s own research based on scientific methods);
– Review papers (giving an original, detailed and critical view of a research problem or an area to which the author has made a contribution demonstrated by self-citation);
– Short communications or Preliminary communications (original scientific full papers but shorter or of a preliminary character);
– Scientific commentaries or discussions (discussions on a particular scientific topic, based exclusively on scientific argumentation) and opinion pieces.

Exceptionally, in particular areas, a scientific paper in the Journal can be in a form of a monograph or a critical edition of scientific data (historical, archival, lexicographic, bibliographic, data survey, etc.) which were unknown or hardly accessible for scientific research.
Papers classified as scientific must have at least two positive reviews.
If the journal contains non-scientific contributions as well, the section with scientific papers should be clearly denoted in the first part of the Journal.

Short communications are usually 4-7 pages long, research articles and case studies 10-14 pages, while reviews can be longer. Page number limits are not strict and, with appropriate reasoning, submitted manuscripts can also be longer or shorter. If extended versions of previously published conference papers are submitted, Editors will check if sufficient new material has been added to meet the journal standards and to qualify such manuscripts for the review process. The added material must not have been previously published. New results are desired but not necessarily required; however, submissions should contain expansions of key ideas, examples, elaborations, etc. of conference papers.

The language of the article should be in English. The grammar and style of the article should be of good quality. The systematized text should be without abbreviations (except standard ones). All measurements must be in SI units. The sequence of formulae is denoted in Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side.

An abstract is a concise informative presentation of the article content for fast and accurate evaluation of its relevance. It contains the terms often used for indexing and article search. A 100- to 250-word abstract has the following parts: introduction/purpose of the research, methods, results and conclusion. 

Keywords are terms or phrases showing adequately the article content for indexing and search purposes. They should be allocated heaving in mind widely accepted international sources (index, dictionary or thesaurus), such as the Web of Science keyword list for science in general. The higher their usage frequency is, the better. Up to 10 keywords immediately follow the abstract and the summary, in respective languages.
For this purpose, the ASSISTANT system uses a special tool KWASS for the automatic extraction of key words from disciplinary thesauruses/dictionaries by choice and the routine for their selection, i.e. acceptance or rejection by author and/or editor.

Article acceptance date
The date of the reception of the article, the dates of submitted corrections in the manuscript (optional) and the date when the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication are all given in a chronological order at the end of the article.

The name and the number of the project or programme within which the article was realised is given in a separate note at the bottom of the first page together with the name of the institution which financially supported the project or programme.

Article preliminary version
If an article preliminary version has appeared previously at a meeting in a form of an oral presentation (under the same or similar title), this should be stated in a separate note at the bottom of the first page. An article published previously cannot be published in the Military Technical Courier even under a similar title or in a changed form.

Tables and illustrations
All the captions should be in the original language as well as in English, together with the texts in illustrations if possible. Tables are typed in the same style as the text and are denoted by Arabic numerals at the top. Photographs and drawings, placed appropriately in the text, should be clear, precise and suitable for reproduction. Drawings should be created in Word or Corel. For figures and graphs, proper data plot is recommended i.e. using a data analysis program such as Excel, Matlab, Origin, SigmaPlot, etc. It is not recommended to use a screen capture of a data acquisition program as a figure or a graph.

Citation in the text
Citation in the text must be uniform. The Military Technical Courier applies the Harvard Referencing System given in the Harvard Style Manual. When citing sources within your paper, i.e. for in-text references of the works listed at the end of the paper, place the year of publication of the work in parentheses and optionally the number of the page(s) after the author’s name, e.g. (Petrovic, 2012, pp.10-12). A detailed guide on citing, with examples, can be found on Military Technical Courier website on the page Instructions for Harvard Style Manual. In-text citations should follow its guidelines.
For checking in-text citations, the ASSISTANT system uses a special tool CiteМatcher to find out quotes left out within papers and in reference lists.

Footnotes are given at the bottom of the page with the text they refer to. They can contain less relevant details, additional explanations or used sources (e.g. scientific material, manuals). They cannot replace the cited literature.

Reference list (Literature)
The cited literature encompasses bibliographic sources such as articles and monographs and is given in a separate section in a form of a reference list.
References are not translated to the language of the article.
In compiling the reference list and bibliography, the Military Technical Courier applies the Harvard System – Harvard Style Manual. All bibliography items should be listed alphabetically by author’s name, without numeration. A detailed guide for listing references, with examples, can be found on Military Technical Courier website on the page Instructions for Harvard Style Manual. Reference lists at the end of papers should follow its guidelines.
For checking the correct compiling of reference lists, the ASSISTANT system uses a special tool RefFormatter in order to present references in accordance with the Harvard Style Manual.
In journal evaluation systems, non-standard, insufficient or inconsequent citation is considered to be a sufficient cause for denying the scientific status to a journal.

Authorship statement
The Authorship statement, submitted together with the paper, states authors’ individual contributions to the creation of the paper. In this statement, the authors also confirm that they followed the guidelines given in the Call for papers and the Publication ethics and malpractice statement of the journal.

All articles are peer reviewed.
The list of referees of the Military Technical Courier can be viewed at website page List of referees. The article review process is described on the Peer review process page of the website.

The time period between the paper reception and the first answer of a peer reviewer is about 30 days.
The time period between the reception of the paper and its publication, including necessary and standard peer review and editorial processes, is about 3 months.

Nebojša Gaćeša,

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